Kuanchin Chen, PhD

Kuanchin Chen, PhD
Kuanchin Chen, PhD

Adjunct Community Professor, Department of Biomedical Informatics


Kuanchin Chen, D.B.A., is a professor of Computer Information Systems at Haworth College of Business, Western Michigan University. He received his BBA in Accounting from Tunghai University, his MS in Information Systems at University of Colorado - Denver, and his D.B.A. in Information Systems at Cleveland State University. His research interests include electronic business, social networking, Big Data, business analytics, project management, privacy & security, online behavioral issues, data mining, and human-computer interactions. He has published in journals, including Information Systems Journal, Decision Support Systems, Information & Management, IEEE Transactions on Systems, Man, and Cybernetics, Journal of Database Management, Internet Research, Communications of the Association for Information Systems, Electronic Commerce Research and Applications, Journal of Global Information Management, DATA BASE for Advances in Information Systems, IEEE Transactions on Education, Decision Sciences Journal of Innovative Education, Journal of Computer Information Systems and many others. He is a member of several journal editorial or advisory boards. Dr. Chen is also a recipient of several research and teaching awards, including awards given by scholarly journals & conferences, department, college, university and U.S. Fulbright program. Dr. Chen has frequently been invited to give research talks at universities, government agencies and other institutions.

  • Education and Training

    • PhD 1999, Information Systems, Ahuja College of Business, Cleveland State University
    • MSc 1994, Information Systems, College of Business, University of Colorado Denver
    • BBA 1989, Accounting, Tunghai University
  • Research

    • information behavior
    • big data
    • Project Management
    • Predictive Analytics
    • Information Visualization
    • Human-computer interaction
    • Ecommerce
    • Datamining
  • Publications

    • Chen K., Snyder J.W. Forewords, cont. Trust and Artificial Intelligence: Development and Application of Ai Technology. 2024:xxxii-i-xxxiii.

    • Chen K., Tsai C.F., Hu Y.H., Hu C.W. The effect of review visibility and diagnosticity on review helpfulness – An accessibility-diagnosticity theory perspective Decision Support Systems. 2024;178

    • Hung S.Y., Tsai J.C.A., Chen K., Chen C., Yeh T.T. Tacit knowledge sharing in information systems development projects: social interdependence and regulatory focus perspectives Information Technology and People. 2024;37:1449-1477.

    • Paliszkiewicz J., Chen K., Mendel M. Preface Trust in Social and Business Relations: Theory and Practice. 2024:xxx-xxxi.

    • Paliszkiewicz J., Chen K., Mendel M. Trust in Social and Business Relations: Theory and Practice Trust in Social and Business Relations: Theory and Practice. 2024:1-278.

    • Zhang L., Shao Z., Zhao T., Chen K. The influences of four dimensions of perceived fit on individuals’ utilisation of SPOCs: an extension of the task-technology fit model Behaviour and Information Technology. 2024

    • Chen K., Cheng L.C., Ye M.Y., Wang J.H. A graph neural network approach to detect original review spammers of astroturfing campaigns Electronic Commerce Research and Applications. 2023;62

    • Chen K., Golhar D.Y., Banerjee S. Blockchain applications and challenges for supply chain and Industry 4.0: a literature review International Journal of Applied Decision Sciences. 2023;16:1-41.

    • Chen K., Paliszkiewicz J. Swift trust in the age of artificial intelligence Privacy, Trust and Social Media. 2023:98-107.

    • Chen K., Snyder J.W. Forewords (cont.) Communication, Leadership, and Trust in Organizations. 2023:xxxii.

    • Paliszkiewicz J., Chen K., Goluchowski J. Privacy in social media: Future directions Privacy, Trust and Social Media. 2023:3-13.

    • Paliszkiewicz J., Chen K., Goluchowski J. Privacy, Trust and Social Media Privacy, Trust and Social Media. 2023:1-264.

    • Weinandy T.J., Chen K., Pozo S., Ryan M.J. Twitter-patter: how social media drives foot traffic to retail stores Journal of Marketing Analytics. 2023

    • Zhang N., Hazarika B., Chen K., Shi Y. A cross-national study on the excessive use of short-video applications among college students Computers in Human Behavior. 2023;145

    • Chen K., Koohang A. Forewords Trust, Digital Business and Technology: Issues and Challenges. 2022:xxv-xxvi.

    • Cheng L.C., Chen K. Mining longitudinal user sessions with deep learning to extend the boundary of consumer priming Decision Support Systems. 2022;162

    • Paliszkiewicz J., Chen K. Building digital trust in business Trust and Digital Business: Theory and Practice. 2022:3-11.

    • Paliszkiewicz J., Chen K., Launer M. Trust and digital business: Theory and practice Trust and Digital Business: Theory and Practice. 2022:1-268.

    • Zhang N., Song J., Chen K., Jia S. Emotional contagion in the propagation of online rumors Issues in Information Systems. 2022;23:1-19.

    • Cheng L.C., Chen K., Lee M.C., Li K.M. User-Defined SWOT analysis – A change mining perspective on user-generated content Information Processing and Management. 2021;58

    • Hazarika B., Chen K., Razi M. Are numeric ratings true representations of reviews? A study of inconsistency between reviews and ratings International Journal of Business Information Systems. 2021;38:85-106.

    • Mousavi R., Hazarika B., Chen K., Razi M. The Effect of Online Q&As and Product Reviews on Product Performance Metrics: Amazon.com as a Case Study Journal of Information and Knowledge Management. 2021;20

    • Paliszkiewicz J., Chen K. Trust, Organizations and the Digital Economy: Theory and Practice Trust, Organizations and the Digital Economy: Theory and Practice. 2021:1-284.

    • Paliszkiewicz J., Goluchowski J., Chen K. The Meaning and Interdisciplinary Nature of Trust in the Digital Economy - Future Directions Trust, Organizations and the Digital Economy: Theory and Practice. 2021:3-14.

    • Shao Z., Zhang J., Zhang L., Chen K. Technology Affordance, Trust and Continuance Intention in Virtual Personal Assistants: Differences between High and Low Frequency Users 42nd International Conference on Information Systems, ICIS 2021 TREOs: "Building Sustainability and Resilience with IS: A Call for Action". 2021

    • Shiau W.L., Chen H., Chen K., Liu Y.H., Tan F.T.C. A Cross-Cultural Perspective on the Blended Service Quality for Ride-Sharing Continuance Journal of Global Information Management. 2021;29

    • Zhang N., Yuan Q., Xiang X., Chen K. What can you perceive? Understanding user’s information quality judgment on academic social networking sites Information Research. 2021;26

    • Hazarika B., Rea A., Mousavi R., Chen K. The impact of social media on disaster relief effort – recovery coordination for Hurricane Harvey Global Knowledge, Memory and Communication. 2020;70:558-576.

    • Hu Y.H., Chen K., Chang I.C., Shen C.C. Critical predictors for the early detection of conversion from unipolar major depressive disorder to bipolar disorder: Nationwide population-based retrospective cohort study JMIR Medical Informatics. 2020;8

    • Hung S.Y., Chen K. The Role of Organizational Support and Problem Space Complexity on Organizational Performance – A Business Intelligence Perspective Pacific Asia Journal of the Association for Information Systems. 2020;12:1-27.

    • Hung S.Y., Chen K., Su Y.K. The effect of communication and social motives on E-government services through social media groups Behaviour and Information Technology. 2020;39:741-757.

    • Mousavi R., Chen R., Kim D.J., Chen K. Effectiveness of privacy assurance mechanisms in users' privacy protection on social networking sites from the perspective of protection motivation theory Decision Support Systems. 2020;135

    • Mousavi R., Hazarika B., Chen K., Rienzo T. The role of dissonance reduction and co-creation strategies in shaping smart service satisfaction–the case of Uber Behaviour and Information Technology. 2020:1-21.

    • Shao Z., Chen K. Understanding individuals' engagement and continuance intention of MOOCs: the effect of interactivity and the role of gender Internet Research. 2020;31:1262-1289.

    • Shao Z., Jiang Z., Chen K., Zhang L. Understanding user ad click-through intention in the mobile social platform: A lens of trust transfer Proceedings of the 24th Pacific Asia Conference on Information Systems: Information Systems (IS) for the Future, PACIS 2020. 2020

    • Shao Z., Jiang Z., Chen K., Zhang L. Understanding user ad click-through intention in the mobile social platform: A lens of trust transfer Proceedings of the 24th Pacific Asia Conference on Information Systems: Information Systems (IS) for the Future, PACIS 2020. 2020

    • Shao Z., Jiang Z., Chen K., Zhang L. Understanding user ad click-through intention in the mobile social platform: A lens of trust transfer Proceedings of the 24th Pacific Asia Conference on Information Systems: Information Systems (IS) for the Future, PACIS 2020. 2020

    • Shao Z., Zhang L., Chen K., Zhang C. Examining user satisfaction and stickiness in social networking sites from a technology affordance lens: uncovering the moderating effect of user experience Industrial Management and Data Systems. 2020;120:1331-1360.

    • Tsai C.F., Chen K., Hu Y.H., Chen W.K. Improving text summarization of online hotel reviews with review helpfulness and sentiment Tourism Management. 2020;80

    • Hazarika B., Chen K., Rea A., Mousavizadeh M. A study of the antecedents of trust in social media posts 25th Americas Conference on Information Systems, AMCIS 2019. 2019

    • Hazarika B., Chen K., Rea A., Mousavizadeh M. A study of the antecedents of trust in social media posts 25th Americas Conference on Information Systems, AMCIS 2019. 2019

    • Hung S.Y., Yu A.P.I., Hung Y.L., Chen K., Hung H.T. Factors influencing attitudes towards Patients' personal information Protection Proceedings of the 23rd Pacific Asia Conference on Information Systems: Secure ICT Platform for the 4th Industrial Revolution, PACIS 2019. 2019

    • Chen K., Rea A. Do pair programming approaches transcend coding? Measuring agile attitudes in diverse information systems courses Journal of Information Systems Education. 2018;29:53-64.

    • Lee P.J., Hu Y.H., Chen K., Michael Tarn J., Chen L.E. Cyberbullying detection on social network services Proceedings of the 22nd Pacific Asia Conference on Information Systems - Opportunities and Challenges for the Digitized Society: Are We Ready?, PACIS 2018. 2018

    • Rienzo T., Chen K. Planning for Low End Analytics Disruptions in Business School Curricula Decision Sciences Journal of Innovative Education. 2018;16:23-41.

    • Sung S., Chen K., Wu D., Hung L., Su Y., Hu Y. International Journal of Medical Informatics. 2018;112:149-157.

    • Hu Y.H., Chen K., Lee P.J. The effect of user-controllable filters on the prediction of online hotel reviews Information and Management. 2017;54:728-744.

    • Hu Y.H., Chen K. Predicting hotel review helpfulness: The impact of review visibility, and interaction between hotel stars and review ratings International Journal of Information Management. 2016;36:929-944.

    • Hu Y.H., Lee P.J., Chen K., Tarn J.M., Dang D.V. Hotel recommendation system based on review and context information: A Collaborative Filtering approach Pacific Asia Conference on Information Systems, PACIS 2016 - Proceedings. 2016

    • Hung S.Y., Huang Y.W., Lin C.C., Chen K.C., Tarn J.M. Factors influencing Business Intelligence Systems implementation success in the enterprises Pacific Asia Conference on Information Systems, PACIS 2016 - Proceedings. 2016

    • Chen K., Hu Y., Hsieh Y. Predicting customer churn from valuable B2B customers in the logistics industry: a case study Information Systems and e-Business Management. 2015;13:475-494.

    • Falk L.K., Sockel H., Chen K. Website usability: A re-examination through the lenses of ISO standards Web Design and Development: Concepts, Methodologies, Tools, and Applications. 2015;1-3:262-277.

    • Huang A.H., Chen K., Yen D.C., Tran T.P. A study of factors that contribute to online review helpfulness Computers in Human Behavior. 2015;48:17-27.

    • Hung W.H., Chen K., Lin C.P. Does the proactive personality mitigate the adverse effect of technostress on productivity in the mobile environment? Telematics and Informatics. 2015;32:143-157.

    • Tang R.Y.W., Chen K. China's International Investment and the United States Journal of Corporate Accounting and Finance. 2015;26:13-27.

    • Chang I.C., Liu C.C., Chen K. The effects of hedonic/utilitarian expectations and social influence on continuance intention to play online games Internet Research. 2014;24:21-45.

    • Chang I.C., Liu C.C., Chen K. The push, pull and mooring effects in virtual migration for social networking sites Information Systems Journal. 2014;24:323-346.

    • Chen K. Culture of virtual civilization Century. 2014:55-71.

    • Chen K., Chen J.V. Perceived Utility in Online Auctions: A Joint-Effect of Vendor, Product and Pricing International Journal of E-Adoption. 2014;6:34-52.

    • Chang M.Y., Chen K., Pang C., Chen C.M., Yen D.C. A study on the effects of service convenience and service quality on maintenance revisit intentions Computer Standards and Interfaces. 2013;35:187-194.

    • Hung S.Y., Kang T.C., Yen D.C., Huang A.H., Chen K. A cross-cultural analysis of communication tools and communication outcomes Journal of Global Information Management. 2012;20:55-83.

    • Chen K., Chen J.V., Yen D.C. Dimensions of self-efficacy in the study of smart phone acceptance Computer Standards and Interfaces. 2011;33:422-431.

    • Chen K., Miguel P.S. Learning continuance of accounting information systems - An expectation-confirmation perspective International Journal of Information Systems and Change Management. 2011;5:335-347.

    • Chen K., Razi M., Rienzo T. Intrinsic Factors for Continued ERP Learning: A Precursor to Interdisciplinary ERP Curriculum Design Decision Sciences Journal of Innovative Education. 2011;9:149-176.

    • Hung S.Y., Chang C.M., Chen K., Tang K.Z., Chou C.H. Buyer acceptance of G2B e-government services: An empirical study of inter-entity supply contracts Data Base for Advances in Information Systems. 2011;42:81-97.

    • Liao C., Liu C.C., Chen K. Examining the impact of privacy, trust and risk perceptions beyond monetary transactions: An integrated model Electronic Commerce Research and Applications. 2011;10:702-715.

    • Chen K., Chen J.V., Ross W.H. Antecedents of online game dependency: The implications of multimedia realism and uses and Gratifications theory Journal of Database Management. 2010;21:69-99.

    • Chen J., Yen D., Chen K. The acceptance and diffusion of the innovative smart phone use: A case study of a delivery service company in logistics Information and Management. 2009;46:241-248.

    • Chen K., Razi M., Tarn J. Empirical assessment of ERP learning effects Human Systems Management. 2009;28:183-192.

    • Chen K., Fadlalla A. Online consumer protection: Theories of human relativism Online Consumer Protection: Theories of Human Relativism. 2008:1-439.

    • Chen K., Yen D.C., Hung S.Y., Huang A.H. An exploratory study of the selection of communication media: The relationship between flow and communication outcomes Decision Support Systems. 2008;45:822-832.

    • El-Gayar O., Chen K., Tandekar K. Multimedia interactivity on the internet Multimedia Technologies: Concepts, Methodologies, Tools, and Applications. 2008;1:77-84.

    • Rea A., Chen K. Privacy control and assurance: Does gender influence online information exchange? Online Consumer Protection: Theories of Human Relativism. 2008:165-189.

    • Dukhan N., Chen K. Analysis of constant-heat-flux heat transfer in metal foam 2007 Proceedings of the ASME InterPack Conference, IPACK 2007. 2007;2:21-28.

    • Chao S.C., Chen K., Lin C.H. Capturing industry experience for an effective information security assessment International Journal of Information Systems and Change Management. 2006;1:421-438.

    • Chen K. A course on enterprise portal development and management: Issues, challenges, and solutions Enterprise Systems Education in the 21st Century. 2006:283-296.

    • Tarn J.M., Chen K. Mobile technology as a learning object and an exploration tool in an IS curriculum: An innovative instruction of wireless network security IEEE Transactions on Education. 2006;49:193-198.

    • Falk L., Sockel H., Chen K. E-commerce and consumer’s expectations: What Makes a Website Work Journal of Website Promotion. 2005;1:65-75.

    • Chen K., Rea A.I. Protecting personal information online: A survey of user privacy concerns and control techniques Journal of Computer Information Systems. 2004;44:85-92.

    • Chen K., Sockel H. The impact of interactivity on business website visibility International Journal of Web Engineering and Technology. 2004;1:202-217.

    • Chen K., Tarn J., Han B. Internet dependency: Its impact on online behavioral patterns in E-commerce Human Systems Management. 2004;23:49-58.

    • Chen K., Yen D.C. Improving the quality of online presence through interactivity Information and Management. 2004;42:217-226.

    • Harper K., Chen K., Yen D. Distance learning, virtual classrooms, and teaching pedagogy in the Internet environment Technology in Society. 2004;26:585-598.

    • Chen K., Rea A. Protecting personal information online: User application of privacy control techniques Proceedings - Annual Meeting of the Decision Sciences Institute. 2003:367-372.

    • Sockel H., Chen K., Falk L. The relationship of video gaming as it relates to online and offline play Proceedings - Annual Meeting of the Decision Sciences Institute. 2003:249-254.

    • Chen K., Rea A. Gender Differences in the Perceptions of Online Privacy Proceedings - Annual Meeting of the Decision Sciences Institute. 2002:1228-1233.

    • Chen K., Sockel H. Internet engagement process: A study correlating internet features to user experience Journal of Promotion Management. 2002;9:111-123.

    • Chen K., Chen I., Paul H. Explaining online behavioral differences: An internet dependency perspective Journal of Computer Information Systems. 2001;41:59-63.

    • Chen K., Gorla N. Information system project selection using fuzzy logic IEEE Transactions on Systems, Man, and Cybernetics Part A:Systems and Humans.. 1998;28:849-855.